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An important consideration for both the patients and the surgeon is the recovery process after surgery ,concerns about being able to return to work, or taking care of kids or family may affect the decision to undergo a needed surgery.

  Guidlines exist to help make recommendations about physical activity restrictions after gynecologic surgery:

         False, Despite being an important issue ,few studies exist  cthat compare different restrictions recommendations  or studying effect of physical activity on the occurance of complications after surgery.

     Hernia through the incision is the most common concern   leading to recommendation of restricting physical activity

     True,fear of herniation of abdominal organs (mainly bowel) through incisons is the main concern that lead to restriction recommendations.

   The rationale is that activity increases the intrabadominal pressure  leading to increase force on the incision,which may weaken the incison and causes hernia.

    Unavoidable activities like vomiting,coughing ,defecating  increases the intraabdominal pressure more than lifting a 15 lb object

    True,studies showed that many unavoidable and physiologic activities have greater effect on intrabdominal pressure than some restricted activities.

    Is there Harm from restricting activities after surgery?

Restricting activities may potentially increases risk of forming  blood clots in the legs that can be dangerous if it disoldge to the lungs.

    In conclusion,many current activity restriction recommendations are lacking evidence,a review of the patients habits and expectations is important when making these recommendations.